
Pros and Cons to Hacking

The pros and cons to hacking are numerous. Although hacking is mostly seen as illegal crime, there are good uses to hacking. For example, computer companies higher hackers, to check their software for flaws. This is a bonus to the customers, because after they purchase their computer, it will be less likely to have problems. Another pro to hacking, is that it can mean to fix computer programs. A hacker who uses hacking for good has a positive effect, yet the cons might out weigh the pros. The cons to hacking are more serious. First, hacking used for wrong causes glitches, viruses, and more computer problems. When someone hacks into your computer, depending on the information you have available, they can look at all your information. This can lead to identity theft, and a zombie computer. Zombie computers are were a hacker takes complete control of someones computer without them knowing it. The hacker tends to send out spam emails, download unwanted programs, and slow down your computer. More recently, hacking hasn't been used for any good. Usually, you only hear about hacking as a bad thing, meaning it is effecting people more negatively. Let me know what you think of this, and if you know of any more pros and cons....


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